Unknown Facts About The Himalayas - La Himalaya




Unknown Facts About The Himalayas

3 Feb, 2020

Youngest mountain ranges:

The Himalayas, the youngest mountain ranges (about 50 million years old), caused by a continental collision between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, which resulted in the development of the Himalayan mountain ranges.

Highest Mountain Range in the World

Composed of the world’s 30 highest peaks and nine highest peaks, including Mount Everest and K2, this mountain range is full of interesting world records, culture and geographical wonders.

The Himalayan range consists of three parallel ranges, often referred to as the Greater Himalayas, Lesser Himalayas and Outer Himalayas.
The range is home to nine of Earth’s ten highest peaks, including the highest of 8,848 meters (29,035 ft), Mount Everest, above sea level.

Rich in Biodiversity

The Himalayas are rich in biodiversity, ranging from the tropics to perennial snow and snow at the highest altitudes, depending on the mountains.

Flora of the Himalayas

It consists of cedar, rhododendron, juniper, teak, rosewood and cedar trees.

Growing Taller Mountain

Various geological tests conducted by scientists have confirmed that this great mountain range is still growing by about 2 centimeters (0.78 in) each year.

Exotic Wildlife

Exotic Animals Found In The Himalayas such as leopards, tigers, red pandas, giant pandas, wild goats, Tibetan sheep, musk deer and mountain goats.

Rivers That Flow from the Himalayas

The Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yangtze and Yellow rivers all originate in the Himalayas. This water supplies three primary river systems in Southeast Asia: the Indus Basin, the Yangtze Basin, and the Ganges-Brahmaputra.

Hundreds of lakes

The Himalayan is surrounded with hundreds of lakes. Most lakes are found at elevations of less than 5,000 meters (16,404 ft), whose size decreases with height. Tilicho lake of Nepal in Annapurna month is one of the highest lakes in the world.

Mt. Everest’s Original Name Is Sagarmatha

Sagarmatha, which means ‘Goddess of the Universe’. Tibetans call it ‘Chomolungma’, which means ‘Mother Goddess of the mountains.’ Mount Everest was named in 1865 in honor of Sir George Everestgwen, predecessor of Surveyor General of India, Sir Andrew Waugh.



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